Hey Friends,

We're so glad you are here for this episode. We sat down to chat with our friend and neighbour Ayako Gallagher. Ayako is an incredibly strong woman who has endured one of the most difficult things anyone could face. She lost her baby just months before she was due. While this reality is much more common than many of us may realize, Ayako's story unfolded in the midst of the Pandemic which meant she was forced to give birth to her daughter in isolation. We were deeply moved, and very grateful that Ayako courageously shared her story with us, and further more, she shares about how she began to face her grief, and chose to be a voice for her daughter Emiko, and a voice for the many women and families who have experienced a similar reality.

Ayako is a community organizer, a humanitarian, an advocate, and voice for people to share and experience the process of grieving in order to help pick up the pieces of their lives after loss. Her voice is so important, and we both learned a great deal from this conversation. We need people like Ayako in our lives. People who are brave, bold, and willing to have the conversations we typically avoid for reasons that don't measure up. We are very thankful to add her episode to our catalogue, and we know you will be better for listening.



** Disclaimer: this episode includes topics that may be sensitive for some listeners including grief, miscarriage and loss of a child.

Show Notes

Ayako: Instagram

Mamas Matter Here: Instagram