Hey Friends,

How do you optimize your body? What does it mean to future proof yourself? How can you create movement for longevity? These are questions we are always exploring, be it supplements, nutrition, performance and recovery. And today's guest is the perfect person to bounce these questions off of. Andrew Sabarre is the Chief Clinical Officer at Myodetox, a leading physiotherapy clinic with spaces in Vancouver, Toronto and Los Angeles.

Andrew is an extremely accomplished physiotherapist, an entrepreneur, an outside the box thinker, and all around cool guy. We had a blast sitting down with him to chat about how we can optimize and future proof our bodies. Our conversation covers a bit of his story, his passion for sports and athletics, and how he has grown as someone who supports people in their athletic pursuits.

Andrew is an amazing dude, and this conversation was a lot of fun.

We know you're going to dig.



Show Notes