​​Hey Friends,

We're back again with our good friend Judy Brooks, only this time Judy brought a friend along! We are thrilled to introduce Warren Schindler. Warren is the founder of Legacy Showroom, which is one of the Country's top fashion showrooms in Canada. Like most of us, Warren is so much more than his career, although he takes great pride in what he does, Warren is someone who thinks deeply, and does the work of self-reflection, and rolls his sleeves up to get to the work of pursuing his purpose, and stepping out in growth.

Our conversation flows between our own interest and curiosity around social media, curiosity, and learning to uncover and pursue the things in life that are worth striving for. Judy takes the lead on walking us through some of the considerations from her artifact. We all pulled cards, read them aloud and shared what they mean to us, and how they were resonating, or sparking new thoughts and intentions in us.

It was so great to chat with Warren, and experience a mini-immersion with Judy. There is much to be gleaned from the honest sharing and vulnerable expression in this one. We know you're going to dig it.



Show Notes