What’s Good? Yoga, Breathwork & Self-Discovery Edition
Zach Berman & Dean Morris
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
Our guest and friend Ally Maz recommended this book to us and it is truly life changing. Breathing properly is the most important thing we can do for our health and well-being. You will never breath the same again after reading this!
-Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
Inside the Superhuman World of the Ice Man
Wim Hoff has become a breathwork super-star and mega celebrity over the past decade. We first discovered his mind altering work from this Vice doc. The possibilities of breath are beyond comprehension and Wim Hoff is showing what’s possible.
Autobiography of a Yogi
This book makes you believe in magic. At least for us it did. A journey of the mind, body and spirit
Pure Souls Zen Mind
Hakim Tafari, founder of Pure Souls Zen Mind, has created a group of seekers through exploring our own boundaries through running, tai chi, meditation and breathwork. Next level stuff here.
-Hakim Tafari
Books We Love
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
The Celestine Prophecy
The 4 Agreements.
These 3 books can alter the state of how you see yourself and the world around you. The trifecta of self exploration.
Navi Gill
Navi is one of our leaders in well being. Follow her for the realist of real in holistic healing, Ayurveda and decolonizing wellness. @navigillwellness
Dora Kamau
For a lot of people, Headspace is the gateway to meditation and mindfulness. Dora is one of the amazing guides on headspace. Dora helps awaken individuals to their truest selves through meditation. Check out her meditations and offerings to start your own journey to you!
Our favourite place for yoga and mindfulness in Vancouver. Good people. Good community. Good vibrations. You can find yoga by Dharma Temple at The Beaumont Studios all Summer long.