
​​Hey Friends, today on the pod we have our pal Austen Bietenbeck. We first discovered Austen through Instagram, as he was promoting his short film "Passages; 400 Miles of Exploration" a film he made to document his epic run along the Kettle Valley Trail stretching from Hope BC to Castlegar. The journey was 400 miles, approximately 650 km, and took him 110 hours and 32 minutes to complete. This epic adventure was far more than just a physical feat but was one of mental and even spiritual significance. Over the course of the run, he battles the elements, his own discomfort, a close encounter with a cougar, and finds the will to keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is truly a hero’s journey kind of ordeal.

We both watched "Passages" the night it came out and both immediately knew we needed to get Austen on the pod. Our conversation flows from the reasons behind his run and creating the short film documenting it, to the culture of toxic masculinity, literature, and the necessity for modern rites of passage.

Austen is a rad dude, with great style, deep thoughts, poetic sensibilities, and is one hell of a runner. Be sure to check this one out, and take the time to watch his beautifully crafted short film "Passages" you'll be glad you did.

We hope you enjoy this episode! Listen on Spotify, Apple or wherever you find your podcasts. And don't forget to follow and subscribe so you don't miss out on future episodes.


“The requirement of one to move beyond what they knew themselves to be to give way to a rebirth of what they never thought in the realm of possibility”

— Austen Bietenbeck

Show Notes